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A coaching methodology to be 

Happy, successful, productive in a rapid changing world…

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21st century offers new challenges

One can argue that we are living in the best of times. However, rapid change and new technology creates new challenges.

Rapid change

The world is changing faster than ever. Where the world will be 10 years from now is impossible to know. 

Information overload

Internet has created an explosion in new information. “More content is produced in 48 hours than from year 0 to 2003.” Erick Schmidt. 

Mental challenge

Until very recently our jobs was mostly physical. Mental health problems keep increasing and is one of our current biggest health challenges. 

A word from the founder: 

A toolbox for success

If you read this I believe you are ambitious. You want more success. You want to be happy. You want to be productive. I also know that in today’s fast-paced world that is full of distractions it is not always easy. 

With Strategic Tech Coaching I want to give you a toolbox that will help you survive and thrive in the 21st century. 

Oskar Andermo

Below are some of the current main sources of inspiration:

Positive Psychology Mental Training (Lars-Eric Unestal)NLP Entrepreneurship: Eben Pagan, Dan Sullivan, Rich Schefren, Brendon Burchard, Dan Kennedy, Peter Diamandis ++Business: Daniel Pink, Simon Sinek, Jim Collins, Seth Godin ++Personal development: like Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Ken Wilber ++Productivity: David Allen, James Clear, Richard Koch, Peter Drucker ++.

Courses and coaching 

Below are some of the current ways STC can help.  

The Ultimate Goal Seminar – TUGS

A workshop conducted in unique locations around the world. Nature is used as a tool for inspiration and creativity. So far TUGS has been done in the following locations:

Desert outside of DubaiCatamaran in the islands outside Stockholm (as picture)In the forest of north Sweden, Turingen On a beach in Karachi, PakistanLearn more 

Procrastinator eliminator 

Learn how to reduce procrastination and produce effortlessly with our digital course. Build successful habits and turn dreams to reality. With so much distractions, learning how to make the best use of our time is one of the most important skills of the 21st century. 

Learn more 

Coaching for leaders and entrepreneurs

Being a leader today offers plenty of challenges. Working with a coach can be the difference that makes a difference. Below are some of the challenges that we often work with: 

Not enough time (productivity and prioritization) .Challenge with life balance (work, career, family, health).Conflicts at work or home. Ruminating and worried about work, business or life.Sales and marketing challenges. Challenges with the team.  Learn more 

Clarify your goals and life-direction with this unique exercise…

Use this exercise to get crystal clear on where you are going. This is the tool that we use during TUGS. 

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Leadership experts, mental coaches and futurists share their best strategies for success for the 21st century.

Oskar Andermo and smart people

One of the pillars of STC is constant learning. The show has featured some of the top names in Sweden but also international experts. Below are example of guests.  

Mental coaches: Kjell Enhager, Igor Ardoris, Lars-Eric Unestal, Joseph Oconnor. Leadership experts: Hans Akerblom, Gunnar Ekman, Thomas Eriksson ++Futurists: Mats Lindgren, Andreas Ekström, Kjell Lindström, Johan Stael Von Hollstein, Stefan Engeseth ++International experts: Geoff Thompson, Patrick Holford, Evan Carmichael, Steve Maxwell ++Other fun guests: Al Pitcher (stand up), Richard Perkins (regenerative farming), OliverEnkamp (MMA fighter), Anders Olsson (breathing expert) ++Listen here

The method

STC has been developed over more than 15 years.  

What is it? 

In theory we know what one have to do to be happy, successful and productive. Yet so many struggle. STC works with the three “I”: inspiration, information and implementation. This combined with our seven core pillars and you will find a method that truly will make a difference.  

Strategies: we take the best, tested and proven strategies.Technology: we use technology the right way to help you implement. Coaching: with coaching we tailor make to your individual needs. 


“The Strategic Tech Coaching method can be described as a vaccine to the challenges our modern world has created.” 

Book our founder as a speaker

Oskar Andermo has been sharing the models behind STC for 1000s of people around the wold. If you need inspiration and information that leads to actual change you can book Oskar as a speaker for your next event.

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