Leaders are readers!
Here is a list of some of the books that have inspired me the most. Read them and try to summarize them in your phone. This means you will have your success library in your pocket at all times!
The book that got me started:
One of the first books I read on personal development was Shakti Gawain’s book Creative Visualization. I still use some of the exercises from this book 15 years later.
On success:
Jack Canfield is one of the founders of the Chicken Soup book series. He has written several books on success and his “Dare to win” that he wrote together with Mark Victor Hansen was the second book that got me started. I read it 1999 and in the book they advise to write a bucket list – things you wont to do in your life. I wrote down about 75 things. From small things like “studying something I like” to “travelling to outer space” (first one achieved, the second one I am still working on). Each year I get to tick more stuff I wrote down all those years earlier. In 2011 I crossed out becoming a certified coach, certified Martial Arts instructor and a professional speaker. It is a great feeling to tick one more item off the list! I recommend you do the same and of course keep your list in your phone.
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield is one of his later books that I can really recommend. This book should be in everyone’s library at home!
Anthony Robbins – has written a few books, however in my opinion he is better in audio format. His Personal Power is a classic that you can and should listen to over and over again.
Jim Rohn – Anthony Robbins first mentor and a legend in the field. Very inspiring. Unfortunately he passed away a few years back. Luckily for us he left as a goldmine of information. Get as many of his books and audio tapes as you can.
Brian Tracy – has a lot of different programs. Not only on general success, also on business, productivity, learning, sales. etc
Eben Pagan – I an Internet Entrepreneur that has sold dating advice for men for millions of USD. He has several programs on entrepreneur ship and marketing that are all great.
As I wrote in my book the best course on personal development is in my opinion Lars-Eric Uneståhls course on Mental Training. As the course focus includes action steps that you need to do it will be the most life changing experience that you have ever done. You can learn more about this course here: mental training
Other suggestions that I personally think should be mandatory in high school are: “Think and Grow Rich”, “Man Search For Meaning”, “As a Man Thinketh”, “7 Habits of Successful people” and “Authentic Happiness”
This is the original list from the book. Below we will update with more books that we recommend.
Joseph O´Connor & John Seymour – Introduction to NLP. Good base if you are interested in NLP. Many good exercises.